The Narrogin Chamber of Commerce (NCC) is a representative body for the businesses of Narrogin and surrounding shires. As a proud member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA) and the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry WA (RCCIWA), we are committed to promoting the growth and development of local business and community.
The core mission of the Narrogin Chamber of Commerce is to best serve the interests of our member businesses through means of advocacy, stakeholder engagement, collaborative partnerships, and collective action. We also seek to provide our members with the opportunity and platform to have their say in the business future of Narrogin and its surrounding areas.
The NCC regularly coordinate marketing promotions involving member businesses (including the highly successful Christmas Shop Local promotion), and host networking and professional development events for our members (such as the quarterly Business After Hours functions).
NCC also produce the annual Narrogin Business and Community Telephone Directory, distributed throughout the Shire of Narrogin and 15 adjacent Local Government Authority areas.