From the CEO's Desk

Thu 03 Oct 2019

RCCIWA Members Forum – October 31st and November 1st 2019

Planning is underway for the second RCCIWA Members Forum for 2019 – which will be held on October 31st and November 1st in Perth. We encourage you to get in touch and let us know the speakers and topics you would like to see included, to ensure we continue to provide a relevant and valuable experience. Please email me at with any suggestions you may have.

For those that have not attended previously below is a brief outline:

Thursday October 31st  – Parliament House – 8.15am to 2.30pm – Advocacy Day

A privileged opportunity to meet in Parliament House, where Members of Parliament, including key Ministers and Party Leaders will spend quality time with us talking openly about the issues and topics that are of concern or priority for your town or region.

Thursday October 31st  – The Ibis Styles East Perth –  5.30pm to 7.30pm – Business After Hours

Generously hosted by Accor Hotels WA and showcasing beautiful produce and beverages from regional WA, the Business after Hours will see a gathering of RCCIWA members from all over regional WA as well as stakeholders and regional supporters. A great opportunity to network, connect and catch up. If you have any members or stake-holders you would like us to include on the invitation list please email

Friday November 1st  – The Ibis Styles East Perth – 8.30am to 3.30pm – Operational Day

With a focus on events, activities, challenges and opportunities for all of our members, this day will comprise of workshops, speakers and presentations by members. Topics such as revenue streams, events, communication methods and building a sustainable Chamber are some of the topics to be covered. This is a day of incredible value for our members as it gives you ideas to learn from (or steal), share what your Chamber is up to, strengthen you regional Chamber network and also understand that you have a vast regional network of supporters available.


Notice of 2019 RCCIWA AGM – Thursday October 31st 2019

Pleased be advised that the 2019 AGM for the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry of WA will take place at Parliament House on Thursday October 31st 2019. The confirmed time, agenda and full papers will be sent to you directly via email in due course.


No RCCIWA Monthly Teleconference in October

RCCIWA usually holds a monthly teleconference on the second Tuesday of each month at 10am. We will not be holding one for October due to school holidays timing and also the closeness of our RCCIWA Members Forum. The next one will be on Tuesday November 12th.They are a great opportunity to share with and learn from fellow members and find out any updates on issues of importance to regional business communities. This teleconference is a free call to you, thanks to our lovely friends at Telstra Country Wide, and agendas are sent out about a week prior with the dial in details at the top. We hope you can join us on the line some time.


State Government launches DevelopmentWA

The State Government has recently launched DevelopmentWA. LandCorp and the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority have merged to become DevelopmentWA, responsible for shaping and creating sustainable communities, prosperous industry and resilient regions across the State. DevelopmentWA is uniquely positioned to deliver the long-term, complex and challenging projects that will shape the future of our State. If you’d like more information on the development opportunities released last week at the launch, you can find full details here. We recommend that your Chamber registers for their regular updates so you can keep your members informed.


WA Freight and Logistics Conference – Thursday 24th October 2019
CCIWA is proud to partner with the Western Roads Federation to hold their 3rd annual WA Freight and Logistics Conference for 2019. Western Australia's economy is in a period of steady growth and slow recovery for most industries, yet the state's freight and logistics sector is starting to show signs of strain. The WA Freight and Logistics Conference brings together all key participants in one of the largest sectors of the WA economy to discuss the practical issues in the strategic barriers and the opportunities for the sector. 
Discussing hard-hitting issues for the freight and logistics industry throughout our suburbs and the regions of WA, this conference is uniquely Western Australian, enabling operators to listen to, discuss and network with leaders and key players in politics, government, business, and industry. Click here to read the full program.


Enterprise Capability Development Survey by ECU – please share with your members
As a business owner/manager/HR practitioner ECU are keen to get your opinion on how Australian employers are developing enterprise capabilities in early career/less experienced workers. Findings will be reported nationally and will inform the teaching and learning of Business students. ECU are able to provide you with a summary of the key findings if you wish. Their aim is to better prepare university students for labour market demands and their transition from university to the workplace.

You are invited to complete a 15-minute survey. Your input is greatly appreciated and all respondents are invited to participate in a random draw for a $250 gift voucher, before the closing date of 30 October 2019. Please click here to start the survey.


WA Government Program - Defence Science Centre Collaborative Research Grants
The WA Government's Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation has recently announced applications are open for its Defence Science Centre (DSC) Collaborative Research Grants (CRG).
The CRG funding is provided to enable industry and/or the Defence Science Technology Group to undertake collaborative research with DSC member universities.
Applications must be lodged by 1.00pm WST Friday 11 October 2019You can view more information about the program here, including information about how to apply.


WA Small Business Day –  Saturday October 26th 2019

The last Saturday in October is your opportunity to recognise and say thank you to small businesses all over WA! How will you celebrate WA Small Business Day this year? Small Business Matters is a movement that has been developed for the greater good of the small business sector and is not owned by anyone (rather owned by everyone!)…… they would love you to be part of the movement! To find out more visit here

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