From the CEO's Desk

Mon 17 Apr 2023

RCCIWA Members Forum– June 22nd and 23rd 2023
We are so happy and encouraged with how our first RCCIWA Members Forum for 2023 is shaping up and the interest from our members to attend has been very strong. A reminder that this is an RCCIWA member event – however any representative can attend on behalf of their organisation. It is a great way for new committee members to learn more about how all of the Chambers around regional WA operate and to be on the forefront of advocacy and representation. Please talk to your committee and staff (for those who have employees) about who might attend on behalf of your organisation and represent them.

I am very pleased to inform you that the Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC, Minister for Agriculture and Food; Forestry and Small Business in confirm to host day one of our Forum at Hale House. We are so appreciative of her support and look forward to meeting with her on the day and talking about the issues and priorities that matter for regional businesses.
Thursday June 22nd – Advocacy Day at Hale House

Thursday June 22nd – Business After Hours at the Novotel on Murray Street co hosted by Accor Hotels WA and Buy West Eat Best

Friday June 23rd – Operational and strategic day – at the Novotel on Murray Street

Registration will open this week - we will email you the booking link and all of the information you need for the Forum.

Accommodation Details
We are thrilled to let you know that we will be holding our Business After Hours (Thursday pm) on day one of the Forum at the fabulous Novotel Perth Murray Street. It is a beautiful property in a great location. Our friends at Accor Hotels WA are looking forward to looking after us all once again. They have generously offered a special discount rate for all of our delegates who will be staying with them. All RCCIWA delegates will receive the conference discounted accommodation rate of the day when booking. Please ensure you use the reference RCCIWA and mention the conference dates (June 22nd and June 23rd) when making your booking so you can receive your discount.  Probably booking by phone or direct email is best (08) 6371 6371

This year we have started delivering #regionalvoice  -  our brief monthly update for our members to include in their newsletter and communications to their members. The aim of this update is that it provides an update for our members’ members as to how RCCIWA has been working for them (and our members). It also raises the awareness of RCCIWA in that there is a state-wide voice working for all regional businesses.  It is a brief overview, and focuses on representation and advocacy, stakeholder engagement and one-on-one members support given. You can read the January, February, and March #regionalvoice if you have not come across them yet.

CCIWA – Regional Pulse Report
Every quarter CCIWA conducts their business confidence survey and with the data collected they produce a specific regional pulse report. This is a very valuable document that not only informs us as to how regional businesses are travelling and what their expectations and plans are, it is also useful for all stakeholders and decision makers when planning policy or activities. We support CCIWA by encouraging our members to encourage their members to participate in the survey as it ensures we have relevant and accurate information and data.

The most recent report, released  last week shows us that regional businesses are proving resilient in the face of ongoing cost pressures and workforce shortages. CCIWA’s latest Regional Pulse report shows sentiment in the regions has stabilised since December, though uncertainty sits on the horizon. You can read the report here.

The SBDC launches anonymous reporting via Safe2Say
Business owners can now anonymously report unfair business practices (such as non-payment, unfair contract terms or a breach of contract) to the SBDC for investigation. Reports are made via the Safe2Say platform, powered by CrimeStoppersWA, and allows business owners to:

  1. Make an anonymous report about conduct they believe is having an adverse impact upon small businesses in WA.
  2. Continue to communicate anonymously with the SBDC as the matter progresses.
  3. Use the ‘Follow up’ function to monitor the status of their report without revealing their identity.

While the SBDC may not be able to deal with all matters we are able to refer information to the most appropriate agency.

Reports can be made from the Report unfair business practice page on the SBDC website, which is located under the Business advisory section.

RCCIWA Monthly Online Members Meeting
On the second Tuesday of each month at 10am we hold an online members’ meeting which usually runs for an hour to 90 minutes. We usually see around 12 of our member organisations represented each month to give member updates, discuss common issues & possible solutions to these, as well as the opportunity to share and learn from each other. We also hear from experts from the SBDC and CCIWA, as well as others as requested. The monthly meetings are a great way of connecting with our members with each other, as well as working through common issues or activities. Calendar Invites for the year were sent to our members in January. If you do not have a calendar invite, please let me know and I will send you one. The agenda and a reminder will be sent out a few days before the meeting each month. Our second meeting for 2023 will be held on Tuesday May 9th   at 10am via MS Teams – we would love you to join us.

RCCIWA Website Members Only Resource Portal
Just a reminder that as a RCCIWA Member you have access our resource library that contains a wide variety of documents from all of our members. This is a great reference point to refer to when planning events, setting up polices or updating your own collateral. Please email Emmi if you need access to the portal. We are regularly uploading documents however to keep it current, could you please email Emmi at any documents that you are happy to share with your fellow members. We will assume if you send it to us that you are happy for us to upload this on the members only access section of our website. Please send in pdf format (and in the smallest size you can), documents such as:

  • Your Constitution
  • Your Strategic or Operational Plans
  • Membership Forms, Membership prospectus
  • Member Benefits flyer
  • BAH information
  • Sponsorship information
  • Directory information
  • Business Awards Information
  • Job and Position Descriptions, HR documents
  • Events information
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Committee Induction pack 

RCCIWA Administrative Items

  • We are constantly updating our membership contact list. If you have any changes to your contacts or would like to add any people, please email Emmi at The information we need is name, position/role, email address and mobile number.
  • Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and share our page with your members, and in particular your elected committee or board members.
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  • About us
  • Members
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  • Contact us