From the CEOs Desk

Mon 14 Oct 2024

RCCIWA Members Forum – November 7th and 8th 2024 – Registrations Now Open
We are very excited about our second RCCIWA members Forum for 2024 being held in Perth on November 7th & 8th  at the Novotel Perth Murray Street. For those who are new to our network or who have not attended one of our Forums previously – this two-day event aims to deliver important advocacy opportunities with key decision makers, interesting speakers and workshops, information, learning and sharing and highly valuable networking and connection opportunities. 


Registrations are now open - RCCIWA Members Forum November 2024
This time we are doing things a bit differently, with both days being held at the Novotel Perth Murray Street. We are still inviting Ministers and Members of Parliament, will have member workshops and discussions and guest speakers as usual – however it will be a more mixed program over both days (rather that two quite distinctive days). We are excited about holding both days at the Novotel as it gives us much more flexibility in the program (for us and our speakers)  but also will give us more time for member-to-member workshops and connection, which we know is what our members are very keen for us to deliver. More time to connect with and learn from each other – our favourite part of the Forums too!!

Our fabulous friends at the Novotel Perth Murray Street have offered us a special rate for all of our delegates – you can book here

This RCCIWA member only event is open to representatives of our members, elected or employed. We know you will get a great deal from the Forum, and we will benefit from you joining us. It is a great way for new committee members and new employees to learn more about how all of the Chambers around regional WA operate and to be on the forefront of advocacy and representation. Please talk to your committee and staff (for those who have employees) about who might attend on behalf of your organisation and represent them. You can find out more about why someone from your organisation should attend here and more details about the two-day forum here.

2025 WA Regional Business Excellence Awards  - Saturday March 29th 2025
After our very successful inaugural WA Regional Business Excellence Awards held in April of this year, we are very excited to let you know that nominations are now open  for our 2025 WA Regional Business Excellence Awards. Save the date today for Saturday March 29th 2025 for our Gala Event being held at the Westin Perth that will celebrate and recongise WA’s amazing regional businesses as well as bring regional businesses, our members, supporters and stakeholders together. All entrants must have won an aligned category at their local business awards program hosted by an RCCIWA. As we know quite a few of our members have already held their awards for 2024 – now is the time to encourage your eligible winners to enter here 

You can find all of the supporting information for aspiring entrants here:

We would love all of our members who host awards in 2024 to encourage their winners to enter and we would love all stakeholders and regional business friends to support our event and join us on the night. 

This is our chance to celebrate the incredible regional businesses in WA who are making a positive impact in so many ways and setting the benchmarks for business excellence. In regional WA, local businesses are proud and excited to share their success with the community they are completely invested in and the WA Regional Business Excellence Awards gives them a broader state-wide platform to amplify their success and positive contributions. We also know they provide aspiration and inspiration for all regionals businesses in WA. 

If you have any questions about our 2025 WARBEA’s in regard to anything, including opportunities to sponsor, please email me at

RCCIWA – Supporting & Promoting Regional Businesses at the 2025 WARBEA’s – EOI’s Now Open
One of the many special regional touches we will be adding to the 2025 WARBEA’s, is giving all attendees a gift – which will be sourced from a regional business that is a member of one of our members. RCCIWA will be purchasing these gifts – it is our way of thanking and supporting our members and their members – fantastic regional WA businesses. We are also proud that it will also highlight and promote amazing regional WA businesses. We  are expecting around 350 people at the Gala event being held in Perth but are not asking one business to provide all of these – ideally, we would love a wide variety and if a business could provide 15 to 20 that would be perfect. We are hoping to get a wide representation of interesting and beautiful gift items that are crafted, made, produced, grown or sold by businesses located in regional WA. We introduced this at our inaugural event held this past April, and we hear many regional small businesses have gained orders and new customers as a result as having one of their products as one of the gifts. If you are a member of one our members, to register your interest please complete the Expression of Interest form, and we will be in touch with you. Please note that EOI’s close on November 30th 2024. We love supporting WA’s regional businesses. 


Notice Of The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry WA (Inc)
Wednesday 30th October 2024
Online via MS Teams
The 2024 Annual General Meeting of RCCIWA will be held via MS Teams at 10am on Wednesday October 30th 2024. The online meeting link will be sent to our members closer to the date. If you are unsure whether you are on our member distribution list,  please email Emmi Taylor at and she will ensure you are included and sent our AGM Link.

The agenda, provides for brief annual reports, election of the Executive Committee including office bearers, as well as other matters. Members are asked to consider nominating for a position on the Executive Committee. All positions on the Executive Committee, apart for the CEO position are declared vacant and open for nomination at each AGM. If you would like to nominate for a position on the RCCIWA Executive Committee, please complete the nomination form and return to by 5pm on Friday October 25th 2024.

The following positions are open for nomination:
Vice President
General Committee Member
General Committee Member
General Committee Member

If more than one person nominates for an office bearer’s position,
a ballot will be held.
If more than 6 people nominate for the Executive Committee,
a ballot may be held.

If you have any questions or need more information, please email Kitty

Buy West Eat Best – Meet the Buyer Trade Show – Tuesday October 22nd Crown 
Due to unprecedented demand, this year’s trade show has sold out in record time and exhibitors are at 100% capacity. Buy West Eat Best invites you to attend and discover premium West Australian ingredients and groceries presented in one location, for one day only. This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with many of WA’s regional producers and growers and if you are able to attend we encourage you to buy your ticket here

Meet the Buyer has built a strong reputation as the destination to connect with businesses across WA’s food and beverage industry. Expect to discover 70+ exhibitors, showcasing over 600+ local products. The tradeshow also facilitates the opportunity to network and identify fresh business prospects.

Tickets include:

  • Admission to Meet the Buyer trade show exhibition 
  • All-day grazing, with tea and coffee
  • Take-home Buyers Guide 
  • Admission to the Networking Sundowner (4:00pm to 6:30pm), including light canapes and first drink

You can find out more about Meet the Buyer here

RCCIWA Monthly Online Members Meeting

On the second Tuesday of each month at 10am we hold an online members’ meeting which usually runs for an hour to 90 minutes. We usually see around 12 of our member organisations represented each month to give member updates, discuss common issues & possible solutions to these, as well as the opportunity to share and learn from each other. We also hear from experts from the SBDC and CCIWA, as well as others as requested. The monthly meetings are a great way of connecting with our members with each other, as well as working through common issues or activities. Calendar Invites for the year were sent to our members in January. If you do not have a calendar invite, please let me know and I will send you one. The agenda and a reminder will be sent out a few days before the meeting each month. 

RCCIWA Administrative Items

  • We are constantly updating our membership contact list. If you have any changes to your contacts or would like to add any people, please email Emmi at The information we need is name, position/role, email address and mobile number.
  • Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and share our pages with your members, and in particular your elected committee or board members.
  • We have also established dedicated Facebook and Instagram pages for our Awards – we would love you to follow them too.