From the CEOs Desk

Fri 21 Oct 2022

October seems to be AGM month and it very rewarding to see that so many of our members are holding AGM’s with a very strong attendance and new people putting up their hands for a role of their committees or boards. We thank and acknowledge all of our regional business people who volunteer for these roles – they make such an invaluable contribution to not only their business organisation, but also to the whole community. The RCCIWA AGM is being held this month as well – online on Monday October 31st at 10am. You can read the agenda here and last years minutes here – we hope you can join us.

Consultations & Reviews Currently Open
The state Government currently have a number of reviews and consultations open for various pieces of legislation and also policy areas. RCCIWA is always invited to contribute to all of these on behalf of our members as we are aware our members are directly. We know that is is sometimes hard to get to all of them, so we do our best to contribute on your behalf – utilising information we have gathered from our members feedback and via direct conversations. The reviews below are currently open – please forward on to your members where relevant or get in touch with me at if you would like to discuss any of these further.

  • WA Jobs Act Review – Your Opportunity to Contribute
    In 2017, the Western Australian Government established the Western Australian Jobs Act to maximise the potential of WA Government procurement and purchasing policies to help local industry and job creation, especially for WA small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The WA Jobs Act also improves consistency in tendering policies across different agencies, and the measurement of the external economic benefits of contracts awarded by state government. 

The WA Jobs Act also established the WA Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS), which requires prospective suppliers to submit a participation plan as part of the tender process.

To help business and government agencies meet the requirements of the WA Jobs Act, the WA Government set up the WA Industry Link portal, the Industry Link Advisory Service and the Local Content Advisory Service. Additionally, the WA Government helps local industry get more work from government procurement through policies such as the WA Buy Local Policy and the Priority Start Policy.  The WA Government is now reviewing the operation of the WA Jobs Act, WAIPS and associated support as part of its five-yearly review of the legislation. 

The Review will consider such questions as:

  • How effective is the WA Jobs Act?  
  • What have been its main achievements?  
  • In what way can we improve its operations and effectiveness?  
  • How does the WA Jobs Act interact with other relevant government policies?  

The WA Government is seeking your input into these and other issues to be considered in the Review.  The independent review is being conducted by Dr Michael Schaper, previously Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission. 

How to get involved

They’re looking for feedback, experiences and suggestions from individual businesses, industry groups, government agencies and other interested parties. You can contribute in number of ways by registering for either of the following events at Consultation for Review of the WA Jobs Act.

  • Banned Drinkers Register
    On 29 September 2022, the McGowan Government announced plans to enhance the Banned Drinkers Register (BDR) trials – a link to Minister Buti’s media statement is below. A consultation paper has been developed on proposed options for consideration to strengthen the BDR.  A four-week consultation period is now open, and can be accessed via this link: Have a say on Banned Drinkers Register
    You are encouraged to provide your feedback and suggestions on the BDR trials, and also to share this information with your networks. The consultation closes 2.30pm on Thursday 27 October 2022.
  • Regulations of Nitrous Oxide Supply Review
    The SBDC is a member of the Industry Reference Group on this matter and if there are any specific concerns regarding this please feel free to contact Karine Suares at
  • Sectoral Emissions Reduction Strategies Consultation
    To inform the development of the heavy industry component of the Sectoral Emissions Reduction Strategies (SERS), the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (JTSI), in collaboration with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and Energy Policy WA (EPWA), is undertaking targeted consultation with heavy industry stakeholders.
    As a first step, they are seeking heavy industry’s input:
  • to understand heavy industry emissions reduction targets and goals
  • to investigate the barriers industry is facing to decarbonise
  • to identify measures the Western Australian Government could consider to remove these barriers.

This information, sought through the attached questionnaires and, where relevant, through follow up interviews with individual businesses, will provide key inputs to Government modelling and deliver insights into important trends, barriers and opportunities for heavy industry decarbonisation in Western Australia.

Input to these questionnaires, alongside information sought through the SWIS Demand Assessment ( and the electricity modelling for other parts of the State, will inform the development of possible new policy and initiatives to support industry decarbonisation.

Attached are two questionnaires:

  1. Operator Questionnaire – please distribute to your members for them to complete.
  2. Peak Industry Body & Industry Group Questionnaire – for your organisation to complete.

    Completed questionnaires are to be returned by email to before COB Friday 28 October 2022.

Energy Consumers Australia’s Plug-In promotional materials.
Energy Consumers Australia recently launched Plug In. Plug In is a new online resource that equips consumers to confidently take part in the energy transition, by providing them with practical information about how to buy, install, and use new energy technologies. Their website includes step-by-step guides on topics such as installing and maximising the benefits of home solar, how to choose a battery retailer, how to charge your electric vehicle, and more. They have worked closely with subject matter experts to make content that is accessible, credible, and free of commercial influence

These materials are a free resource that have been designed for organisations such as government agencies, market bodies, consumer advocacy groups, peak bodies, and more to use and distribute. All materials are white-labelled and are available under Creative Commons licence.

You can get involved in three main ways:

  1. Share the resources on your social media or website. For example, you can download the factsheets and use them directly on your website.
  2. Promote the Plug In website and resources in your own supporter email/newsletter.
  3. Promote our content by sharing our posts as they profile the campaign on our socials.

ECA have put together a promotions pack (attached) with further information, including social media tiles, videos, and posts to make it easier for you to use and to share with your networks.

Synergy’s Community Giving Fund
Synergy’s Community Giving Fund opened on 27 September 2022, which provides grants of up to $10,000 for charities, not-for-profits and local organisation for a range of programs and initiatives that drive sustainable outcomes for people, and the environment in communities within our operating area – the South West Interconnected System (SWIS).  These could include programs promoting Aboriginal economic empowerment, social inclusion and belonging, or initiatives aimed at protecting and improving biodiversity. Please feel free to share this information with your networks. More information on the Fund can be found here.

RCCIWA Administrative Items

  • We are constantly updating our membership contact list. If you have any changes to your contacts or would like to add any people, please email Emmi at As mentioned above,  know that it is AGM time for many, so please send through your newly elected committee when ready. The information we need is name, position/role, email address and mobile number.
  • Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and share our page with your members, and in particular your elected committee or board members.
  • Please also let us know about any activities, initiatives or events you would like us to include in our weekly newsletter. We love showcasing a great idea, program or event that one of our members is delivering. If you have something you would like us to share – please send through the details to Emmi at
  • Our member portal is being well accessed by our members, but we can always add more content – so please send through any operational documents you are happy to share with your fellow members to Emmi